“In Macedonia, only 1 % of journalists consider their jobs to be absolutely secure while 77 % believe that they are under constant risk of being fired. Raising the issue and the consequences of the insecure or precarious work in the media industry is more than necessary”, shows a new survey published today (24/11/2014) in Skopje by the SSNM (Independent Union of Journalists and Media Workers, an EFJ affiliate).
The study based on 104 in-depth interviews with local journalists has been presented by SSNM President Tamara Chausidis during a conference on “Precarious Work in the Media Industry” attended by SSNM members, Jasmina Popovic (Vice-President of the International Federation of Journalists), Mehmet Koksal (Project Officer of the European Federation of Journalists), Julia Hoffmann from the German Network for Reporting on Eastern Europe (n-ost), members of the Solidarity movement. The conference is financially supported of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (Southeast Europe).
- +389 2 2671 201
- contact@ssnm.org.mk
- бул. „Св. Климент Охридски“ бр. 58-Б, Скопје