The Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM), in the spirit of union solidarity, supports the strike of its colleagues from the Trade Union of Education, Science and Culture (SONK).
Fully aware that education, science and culture are the foundations of every society and of every civilized community that wants to prosper, we believe that the problems the employees in this sector are facing must not and cannot be an issue of the sector only but of the society as a whole.
The destruction of the professional dignity of the professors from the University “Goce Delchev”-Shtip, who are on a hunger strike, cannot be ignored.
The unresponsiveness of the authorities to the demands of the professors makes the protest the only way to make public pressure for realization of their labor rights.
Therefore, we encourage our colleagues from SONK to be united in their refusal to accept the current situation despite of the pressure and the manipulations they are faced with.