MARCH 14, 2015
The Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers is appalled and horrified by the intrusion and the request for identification of the radio show host of Kanal 103 in MRTV. It is our opinion that this is a direct and gross censure which exposes in its fullness the dramatic situation with the freedom of information in MRTV. No rules and procedures could hide the fact that the show host was prevented from doing his job in the most gross and violent manner. In an open microphone we could hear how the “security” of MRTV rudely requests the host to identify himself and removes him from the program. SSNM severely condemns this act and demands responsibility from the management of MRTV, as well as an explanation of whether the security which entered the open microphone program was that of MRTV or a private security company.
SSNM will inform all international journalist organizations about this event, including the International and the European Federation of Journalists.
Also, following this unfortunate event, SSNM shows public support to the actions and protests against the manner of operation of the public service and calls upon all journalists and media workers to show full solidarity with their colleagues in MRTV and express their revolt about the working conditions of our colleagues. This cannot and must not continue.